SIGIR-97 Workshop on Networked Information Retrieval

July 31, 1997


The recent and rapid growth of the Internet and corporate intranets poses new problems for Information Retrieval. There is now a need for tools that help people navigate the network, select which collections to search, and fuse the results returned from searching multiple collections. These problems are being addressed by the international IR research community, by people working on World Wide Web projects, and by a number of digital library projects around the world, e.g., the U.S. Digital Libraries projects, the ERCIM Digital Libraries projects, and the German MEDOC project. The goal of this workshop was to bring together people from each of these areas to discuss their varying approaches to common problems. Researchers were invited to submit position papers or extended abstracts discussing novel approaches to the following problems:

The program committee selected nine submissions for talks in the workshop, and invited Chris Buckley to give a brief talk on standards for networked information retrieval (e.g., Z39.50, STARTS). Thirty six people registered to attend the workshop.


Web Search Session Chair: Jamie Callan
Beyond Relevance Ranking: Hyperlink Voting Y. Li, L. Rafsky; Gari Software/IDD Information Services
The MetaCrawler Architecture for Resource Aggregation on the Web E. Selberg, O. Etzioni; Univ of Washington
Information Fusion from Distributed World Wide Web Sources S. Gauch; Univ of Kansas
Digital Libraries Session Chair: Chris Buckley
Networked Digital Libraries: The Concept and a Case Study J. L. Borbinha, J. Ferreira, J. Jorge, J. Delgado; Engineering Institute for Systems and Computers, Portugal
Pharos: A Scalable Distributed Architecture for Locating Heterogeneous Information Sources R. Dolin, D. Agrawal, A. El Abbadi, L. Dillon; Univ of California, Santa Barbara
Knowledge Integration for Structured Information Sources Containing Text W. W. Cohen; AT&T Labs
Towards a Scalable Networked Retrieval Systems for Searching Multimedia Databases C. Baumgarten, K. Meyer-Wegener; Dresden Univ, Germany
Resource Selection Session Chair: Norbert Fuhr
Database Merging Strategies for Searching Public and Private Collections E. Voorhees; NIST
Meta-Data for Distributed Text Retrieval G. Crowder, C. Nicholas; Univ of Maryland, Baltimore County
Standards and Distributed Retrieval (Invited Talk) C. Buckley; SaBIR Research

Organizing Committee

SIGIR-97 Workshops

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Last updated September 15, 1997