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Late Homework Policy

Homework is due by 11:59pm (Pittsburgh time) of the due date. It must be submitted using the course's homework testing service. If the homework testing service is down, it must be submitted by email to the TAs.

There is one "grace day" per homework assignment. Homework is not considered late if it is submitted within 24 hours of the deadline. For example, if an assignment is due Monday at 11:59pm, it is not considered late if it is submitted before Tuesday at 11:59pm.

A 10% penalty is applied for the first day that the homework is late, and an additional 5% is applied for each additional day. For example, if an assignment is due Monday at 11:59pm, it is one day late (10% penalty) if submitted Wednesday evening and two days late (15% penalty) if submitted Thursday evening.

Unless a student has made arrangements with the instructor in advance, the last day for submitting homework is 6 days after the due date. Late homework will not be accepted after this date. This deadline allows the instructor and TAs to give homework answers and other feedback to the rest of the class in a timely manner before the next homework assignment is due.

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Copyright 2025, Carnegie Mellon University.
Updated on August 29, 2022

Jamie Callan
Fernando Diaz